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Periyakarachchi and Sinnakarachchi Lagoons

Periyakarachchi and Sinnakarachchi are shallow, brackish water coastal lagoons located along the north eastern coast near Trincomalee. The lagoons contain some mangrove swamps and sea grass beds, but are dominated by extensive inter-tidal mud flats, and are connected to the sea through a narrow canal. The lagoons are located close to numerous human settlements and are therefore heavily affected by pollution. The mouth of the Periyakarachchi lagoon has been identified as an IBA by BirdLife International.

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Pigeon Island National Park

Pigeon Island National Park comprises of two small islands (Large and Small Pigeon Island) and several rocky islets located about 1 km offshore. Large Pigeon Island and some rocky islets contain fringing coral reefs while rocky habitats dominated by soft corals are present around Small Pigeon Island and surrounding areas. These coral reefs were some of the few that were not affected by the 1998 mass coral bleaching event. Therefore they contain extensive areas of healthy live coral and are some of the best remaining coral reefs in the country. Due to the security situation in the area the reefs were not extensively affected by human activities until recently. Since the 2002 ceasefire agreement, the Pigeon Island National Park has become a popular tourist destination, and increased visitation has led to habitat degradation. The reefs are being further threatened by destructive fishing practices.

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Polhena Reef

Polhena is a shallow near-shore fringing coral reef located near Matara. The reef has been severely impacted by human activities as well as coral bleaching, and as a result, live coral cover is low. Small digitate and encrusting forms dominate coral communities. Major livelihood activities include the collection of ornamental fish. The reef area was declared as a FMA in 2001.

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